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A Love Letter

February is the month that we celebrate all of the loves in our lives, so I certainly could not pass up the opportunity to express my love and gratitude to all of my clients that allow me to do what I love day in and day out. Every event gets a piece of me embedded within it and I most certainly take a piece of the event with me as I continue to grow and learn as a planner. It is a unique relationship that deserves it's own Valentine attention.

From the moment I am hired, I begin developing relationships with all members of the wedding party and family. While each of these relationships vary from event to event, there are some universal characteristics that I have observed and come to appreciate with each of you.

To all of the fathers,

I know from the time your daughter or son mentions "wedding", numbers begin to crunch in your mind. I also know it is not always fun having to be the numbers guy. Thank you for trusting me with your budget and allowing me to relieve you from that role so that you may enjoy the smiles without the stress. I promise you, that the moment your daughter puts her arm in yours or your son takes his place at the altar, you will see that it was worth every single penny.

To the mothers,

I think I relate with y'all the most. It is from a mother's eyes that my tears come; the first time I see your daughter in her dress or watch as you dance with your son to that special song. I know the whole process of planning can sometimes be most stressful for mothers as they try to work with their daughters or sons to create a memorable day, but I appreciate the opportunity to be the mediator and assist with finding common ground so the focus can remain on the special day and not become lost in little details. Thank you for handing over the reigns and trusting me with a day that is very special for you.

To the wedding party,

Y'all are just fun! I enjoy seeing the commitment that you give your wedding role and the support you give to the bride and groom, but most of all, I love seeing the good time you have at the reception. You all play a big part in making or breaking the event, as you set the tone, and I certainly haven't been let down yet! Thanks for helping me keep the event running smoothly (even if I have to boss you a little) and including me in some of the fun!

To the groom.

At this point, we have probably joked many times about you just sitting and looking pretty while the girls get this wedding done! However, we all know that you are excited and nervous about this day and have had a lot more input than, even you, would like to acknowledge. There are many times that I've gotten to see you step outside of your comfort zone to make your bride happy, and that smile on your face as she walks down the aisle, confirms that you know it is all worth it. Thank you for spending hours picking out the perfect pink sash or tasting cakes (that wasn't really that bad) instead of watching that basketball game or playing that round of golf. Your dedication impresses me and is something I soon won't forget.

Finally, to the bride,

By the time you walk down the aisle, we have been through a lot together. We have planned, then re-planned to fit your budget. We have sacrificed some wants for needs and had to decide what will give us more bang for the buck; and those aren't easy decisions to make. We have battled vendors to ensure you get the best price and service, and we jump for joy as things fall in to place and we get to breath a little easier. You've apologized too many times for being a bridezilla, but what you don't know, is that I haven't seen you as a zilla at all. I see you knowing what you want and not wanting to compromise and I want to give that to you. I am here for you to vent to, but I am also here to remind you that sometimes things are not as bad as they might seem. I am here to remind you that your groom will be at the end of that aisle waiting for you whether we were able to get the perfect flower wall or not. Your day will be perfect because it is your day! Thank you for trusting me to take care of the details. You started as my client, but by the end, you are my friend and I want nothing but the best for you! Here's to you Mrs.


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